Entrepreneurial systemNorth Africa

Launching a New Season of Abu Hashima Startup Projects Competition

Businessman Ahmed Abu Hashima, who also serves as the head of the Youth and Sports Committee in the Senate, launched the third season of the “Abu Hashima Startup Power” competition. The competition is organized under the auspices of the National Alliance for Civil Development, through his official social media page.

Abu Hashima announced a series of surprises for this season, with the most prominent being a four-fold increase in prize value compared to previous seasons. Additionally, the age limit for applicants has been raised from 35 to 40 years, allowing more innovators to participate. The minimum age for idea submission is 21, while the maximum is 40.

This year, the competition focuses on supporting ideas related to artificial intelligence, green economy, and agricultural manufacturing. Accordingly, additional prizes have been allocated for outstanding ideas in these specified fields.

It’s worth noting that previous seasons of the competition saw participation from over 15,000 contestants from various governorates of Egypt, covering a wide range of industrial, agricultural, and technological fields.

The competition is organized in collaboration with the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority, which provides a high-quality training program to assist contestants in developing their ideas and achieving sustainability after winning the competition.

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