A bold investment

Arab Therapy and Mashreq Starts collaborate to support the mental health of entrepreneurs

The collaboration between the “Mashreq Starts” program and the “ArabTherapy” platform, operating in the field of online mental health, to launch a new initiative to provide psychological support for entrepreneurs has commenced.

The initiative aims to prioritize the mental health of entrepreneurs in Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq, helping them tackle various challenges and obstacles they face.

Both the “Mashreq Starts” program, supporting and empowering entrepreneurs in the Arab Mashreq region, and the “ArabTherapy” platform, a leading online mental health platform in the region, announced their collaboration to launch a new initiative for psychological support for entrepreneurs.

This initiative aims to prioritize the mental health of entrepreneurs in Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq, assisting them in facing the challenges imposed by the current economic and political climate.

Recognizing the unique challenges faced by business owners and forced migrants, the program will focus on providing tailored psychological support, including personalized counseling sessions, access to Arabic-speaking therapists on the ArabTherapy platform, and workshops focusing on resilience building and coping mechanisms.

Rajia Omar, Executive Director of the “Mashreq Starts” program, expressed great enthusiasm about this collaboration, stating that their mission goes beyond financial support, focusing primarily on creating a comprehensive environment for startups in the Arab Mashreq region.

She emphasized the vital aspect of mental and emotional health for business owners in achieving sustainable success.

Dr. Tarek Delbah, CEO and Co-founder of ArabTherapy, mentioned that entrepreneurship is inherently a challenging journey, compounded by the current regional context, and emphasized the importance of ensuring entrepreneurs receive the necessary support to prioritize their mental health and well-being.

The “Mashreq Starts” program and ArabTherapy will develop a training and psychological support program, offering essential tools and resources for entrepreneurs to navigate the complexities of business establishment. The program aims to provide participants with strategies to overcome challenges, reduce stress, and build resilience in facing difficulties.

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