
Launching advertising campaigns in Arabic for LinkedIn to interact with users

LinkedIn has introduced Arabic ads aiming to improve interaction with users. In an exclusive interview with Campaign Middle East, Diana Daou, Head of LinkedIn Marketing Solutions for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), discussed the significance of this launch for marketers in the region.

Arabic Ads represent the latest product tailored specifically for the region, and we are excited to introduce it to marketers in the Middle East and beyond.

Daou explained that this move is revolutionary, as the new Arabic Language Profile targeting feature allows precise targeting and engagement of 15 million professionals globally on LinkedIn, including 13 million in the Middle East and North Africa, with exceptional accuracy.

She highlighted the company’s understanding of the importance of marketers authentically engaging with their audiences, citing research indicating a 30 percent increase in engagement with local language content. Thus, she believes this feature will open up broader opportunities for their clients.

Furthermore, Daou added that some leading brands in the Middle East, such as The Saudi Investment Bank, have successfully utilized the Arabic Ads product to engage their audiences.

Traditionally relying on Arabic advertising to connect with their local audience, these brands can now do so on LinkedIn using this feature. Many of them have observed significant success and increased engagement due to this enhanced targeting.

LinkedIn has also leveraged Generative AI technology as a new tool for marketers. According to LinkedIn’s research, 6 out of 10 marketers in the UAE are currently using such technology, with around half experimenting with tools like ChatGPT.

“We understand that most marketers in the business sector are under pressure to deliver results quickly, and AI can support them by removing the drudgery of everyday time-consuming tasks, allowing them to focus on more valuable work that delivers positive impact,” said Daou.

She emphasized that these tasks include building deeper relationships with customers and creating memorable brands.

Daou noted that AI has been an integral part of LinkedIn’s products for a long time, and they look forward to providing AI tools to marketers in the Middle East and North Africa in the coming months to help them improve their productivity, optimize campaigns, and reach the right audiences.

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