EntArabi’s Milestones in 2023 and Our Vision for 2024
In 2023, the EntArabi platform for entrepreneurship in the Middle East witnessed a series of milestones and developments that added tremendous value to entrepreneurship in the region.
EntArabi’s Milestones in 2023
1. Launch of the English Version of the Website
Thanks to expansion in services and content, the English version of EntArabi was launched, opening doors of opportunities for entrepreneurs in the region to engage with a broad global audience.
2. Innovative Ideas to Support Startups
A range of ideas and articles were introduced on the EntArabi platform, aiding startups in their development and growth by providing technological and managerial resources and advice that enhance their success prospects.
3. Coverage of Startup Demo Days in Accelerators
EntArabi covered startup Demo Days in significant accelerators such as:
4. Media Partnerships with Major Conferences in the Region
Media partnerships were forged with leading conferences in the region, enabling distinctive coverage and valuable content for the interested audience.
5. Exclusive Coverage of Entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the UAE
Through a series of exclusive reports and interviews, EntArabi provided a detailed insight into the achievements and challenges faced by entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the UAE, contributing to highlighting inspiring success stories.
Coverage of Entrepreneurial Events
As part of our efforts to provide comprehensive and exclusive coverage, we have documented and presented updated reports on a range of prominent events in the entrepreneurship world in the Middle East.
Among these events are:
Additionally, we covered the Entrepreneurship Club events at Helwan University and the media forum organized by the Mindsalike platform in Egypt.
These events represent a portion of the comprehensive coverage provided by EntArabi concerning the latest events relevant to the entrepreneurship community in the Middle East. This reflects our commitment to delivering valuable information and inspiring content to our engaged and interested audience.
EntArabi’s Vision for the New Year 2024
EntArabi extends its warmest congratulations and wishes for a new year filled with successes and achievements for all entrepreneurs in the Middle East. In 2024, EntArabi looks forward to further development and growth. We aim to expand the website’s coverage to include more countries in the Middle East, increase our outreach to a larger audience through social media platforms and strategic partnerships.
We will continue supporting startups with content and innovative ideas, and we will persist in building media partnerships with major conferences and events to support the entrepreneurship community in the region.
In conclusion, we hope for peace and stability for the Palestinian and Sudanese people, providing conducive conditions for entrepreneurs in these regions to achieve their goals and contribute to building a better future for their countries.
Wishing you all the best for the year ahead!