
Shura is a digital platform concerned with providing legal consultations and services remotely in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by connecting clients seeking legal consultations, With an elite group of certified and professional lawyers in an interactive way, Easy, safe, professional and based on the laws while maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of customer data. Legal consultation includes several areas, including: areas of personal status, labor disputes, Commercial justice for individuals, institutions, and public and private sector companies, including emerging, medium, and small companies.

فريق العمل :

Saleh Alassaf

أبجد هوز حطي كلمن سعفص قرشت ثخذ ضظغ أبجد هوز ثخذ ضظغ أبجد هوز 

Saleh Alassaf

Co-founder & CEO

Saleh Alassaf

Co-founder & CEO


بيانات التواصل


Shura is a digital platform concerned with providing legal consultations and services remotely in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by connecting clients seeking legal consultations, With an elite group of certified and professional lawyers in an interactive way, Easy, safe, professional and based on the laws while maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of customer data. Legal consultation includes several areas, including: areas of personal status, labor disputes, Commercial justice for individuals, institutions, and public and private sector companies, including emerging, medium, and small companies.

فريق العمل :

Saleh Alassaf

أبجد هوز حطي كلمن سعفص قرشت ثخذ ضظغ أبجد هوز ثخذ ضظغ أبجد هوز 

Saleh Alassaf

Co-founder & CEO

Saleh Alassaf

Co-founder & CEO

تصفح ايضا :





Health 360

Health 360





Paya Real Estate


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