
Mthmr is pioneering the intersection of fintech and advertising in the MENA region through its card-linked offerings, Supported by open banking services. In a market where advertisers struggle to target consumers effectively, As banks aim to allocate rewards, Our platform provides a win-win situation. Advertisers get accurate insights into customer behavior, Banks can offer personalized rewards funded by traders, Which enhances loyalty. We have identified a huge opportunity in the MENA region, Through our dedicated team and unique approach, We aim to redefine how consumers, banks and advertisers interact.

فريق العمل :

Abdulrahman Bin Nujayfan

أبجد هوز حطي كلمن سعفص قرشت ثخذ ضظغ أبجد هوز ثخذ ضظغ أبجد هوز 

Abdulrahman Bin Nujayfan

Founder | COO

Abdulrahman Bin Nujayfan

Founder | COO


بيانات التواصل


Mthmr is pioneering the intersection of fintech and advertising in the MENA region through its card-linked offerings, Supported by open banking services. In a market where advertisers struggle to target consumers effectively, As banks aim to allocate rewards, Our platform provides a win-win situation. Advertisers get accurate insights into customer behavior, Banks can offer personalized rewards funded by traders, Which enhances loyalty. We have identified a huge opportunity in the MENA region, Through our dedicated team and unique approach, We aim to redefine how consumers, banks and advertisers interact.

فريق العمل :

Abdulrahman Bin Nujayfan

أبجد هوز حطي كلمن سعفص قرشت ثخذ ضظغ أبجد هوز ثخذ ضظغ أبجد هوز 

Abdulrahman Bin Nujayfan

Founder | COO

Abdulrahman Bin Nujayfan

Founder | COO

تصفح ايضا :





Health 360

Health 360





Paya Real Estate


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