
ElGameya is a fintech startup that digitizes traditional money cycles (ROSCA model), It offers a hassle-free solution for anyone looking to achieve financial security. Our mobile app enables users to join courses, pay their monthly premiums digitally and receive their payments seamlessly. With the support of advanced technology, We guarantee secure transactions and provide the highest level of customer satisfaction. Our mission is to empower individuals and families to take control of their finances and build a brighter future.

فريق العمل :

Ahmed Mahmoud Abdeen

أبجد هوز حطي كلمن سعفص قرشت ثخذ ضظغ أبجد هوز ثخذ ضظغ أبجد هوز 

Ahmed Mahmoud Abdeen

Founder | CEO

Ahmed Mahmoud Abdeen

Founder | CEO


بيانات التواصل


ElGameya is a fintech startup that digitizes traditional money cycles (ROSCA model), It offers a hassle-free solution for anyone looking to achieve financial security. Our mobile app enables users to join courses, pay their monthly premiums digitally and receive their payments seamlessly. With the support of advanced technology, We guarantee secure transactions and provide the highest level of customer satisfaction. Our mission is to empower individuals and families to take control of their finances and build a brighter future.

فريق العمل :

Ahmed Mahmoud Abdeen

أبجد هوز حطي كلمن سعفص قرشت ثخذ ضظغ أبجد هوز ثخذ ضظغ أبجد هوز 

Ahmed Mahmoud Abdeen

Founder | CEO

Ahmed Mahmoud Abdeen

Founder | CEO

تصفح ايضا :





Health 360

Health 360





Paya Real Estate


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