Banknbox announces its strategic partnership with a number of banks and fintech companies during the first half of 2024
In its continuous and rapid endeavor to transform its platform in Egypt as a major hub for financial and banking services, Banknbox Egypt, a leading provider of digital services and payment technology for banks and corporations, announced its strategic partnership with a number of banks and financial technology companies in 8 different countries during the first half of 2024 to offer different packages of services and systems to these customers through its digital platform in Egypt.
The company seeks to achieve rapid and consecutive growth leaps to strengthen its position as one of the main players in the financial technology sector in Egypt and the region based on its comprehensive vision to provide an integrated and innovative platform for its customers from banks and financial technology companies, where the company has entered into strategic partnerships with a number of leading companies, banks and financial institutions.
This has not been limited to the local market only, but has extended to new markets around the world such as Iraq, Libya, Bangladesh, Moldova, Qatar and a number of other African countries, which reinforces the company’s rapid spread and its position as a regional center for providing financial technology services and its ability to provide innovative financial solutions in a wider scope.
Bassem Mahmoud, Chairman and Managing Director of Banknbox, said that international expansion is not an easy task that requires careful and successive studies of these new markets and the services provided in them, in partnership with local agents and various international institutions to ensure the provision of new advanced services that meet the needs of the market and achieve leadership for our customers by providing an integrated system of services and systems.
‘We would like to thank the Central Bank of Egypt for its full support and continuous coordination to ensure that the company is in line with its constructive vision to enhance digital transformation services and transform Egypt into a regional center to serve the countries of the region, based on the remarkable development witnessed by Egypt during the recent period in providing infrastructure and regulatory rules for financial technology companies,’ added Bassem Mahmoud.
He stressed that the company has invested in developing its platform with new and innovative technologies and services that a number of banks and companies seek to provide in the coming period, as well as adopting various international security certificates PCI to confirm the highest security standards for its customers.
The company has also signed strategic and exclusive partnerships with number of international companies to provide ‘solutions and licenses’ to be provided and configured within banks and institutions and provide technical support through an integrated team to ensure that the company meets the desire of all customers according to their strategic vision, size and business model.
He added that in addition to regional expansion, the company considers the Egyptian market one of the most important markets in the region due to its rapid growth and the endeavor of banks and financial technology companies to provide non-traditional banking services to their individual and corporate customers.
The company also contracted with number of local companies and banks during the past months to provide a package of services, whether issuing cards and electronic payment acceptance channels by providing comprehensive and integrated solutions that have never been offered before in the Egyptian market, which is the most advanced and most comprehensive ever.
Banknbox offers a unique package of digital services and non-traditional payment technology for various sectors, most importantly banking, transport and communications, petroleum and insurance, in order to achieve full flexibility for the company’s growth as well as continuous investment in international development and accreditation processes to ensure compliance with customer requirements and provide them quickly and cost-effectively, including integrated digital banking services, payment acceptance services, whether through point of sale or electronic payment gateway platform, merchant management systems, technical linkage of sites and applications, as well as Soft POS phone applications with the highest security certificates, which have been awarded with the highest security certificates
This is in addition to many other services, including issuing and processing all types of bank cards, including credit and debit cards, prepaid cards of all types, and real-time card personalization services, whether centrally at the bank or through branches.