Minister of Communications to EntArabi: 6 new creative centers in Egypt
Dr. Amr Talaat, the Egyptian Minister of Communications and Information Technology, affirmed that the country places significant emphasis on empowering entrepreneurs by providing a supportive and encouraging environment.
He confirmed that his ministry remains committed to supporting these groups.
In an exclusive interview with “Entarabi,” the Minister of Communications and Information Technology added that the Techne Summit 2024, held in Cairo from May 25 to 27, was the most mature and widespread in terms of company participation and the diversity of business incubators.
He explained that there is confidence in the awareness and creative thinking of Egyptian youth, which helps position Egypt among the top three countries in the Middle East and North Africa region in terms of the number of startups and investments throughout the year.
He revealed that Egypt currently has 20 innovation centers across 20 cities and governorates, providing support in terms of training, technical services, and incubation.
This is in line with the ministry’s plans to open six new centers this year, moving closer to the dream of having a large number of innovation centers across the country’s cities.
“Entarabi” participated in the 2024 Techne Summit, held from May 25-27, as a media sponsor.