Gulf CountriesStartups

Abdelaziz and Aisha Abdul Malik: A Journey of Creativity and Success in the World of Jewelry

From a School Project to a Startup in Bahrain

In the corridors of the Forbes conference in the enchanting city of El Gouna, Abdelaziz and Aisha Abdul Malik, the founding siblings of Aisha Jewelers, stood to represent not only their success but also Bahrain and its emerging sector in the jewelry industry. The company’s foundation dates back to 2014 as a mere school project.

Sharing her story with Enta Arabi, Aisha said, “The idea was just a requirement to complete our curriculum. I never expected my passion for jewelry and my skill in drawing to lead me to this professional path.” From this simple school project, Aisha Jewelers has grown to become one of the most prominent names in Bahrain’s jewelry industry, with a full team of local talents under thirty.

Aisha Jewelers is an example of innovation and creativity in business. “We have an annual initiative called ‘Giving,’ where we manufacture limited edition pieces and donate 50% of the sales to charity,” Aisha explains. She proudly announces that this year’s sales from the “Giving” initiative reached $200,000 in just eight days.

Currently, the company primarily focuses on the Gulf market, considering it as their local market and a strong attraction for business. Aisha says, “We see the Gulf market as fertile ground for opportunities, and we strive to strengthen our presence in it.”

Participating in the Forbes conference was not just an opportunity to showcase their achievements but also a chance to learn and connect with other creative and highly skilled individuals in various fields. Aisha and Abdelaziz see this meeting as an opportunity for growth and development and to get to know creative talents in other areas.

At the end of her talk, Aisha expressed her desire to revisit El Gouna, referring to the positive impact her previous experience had left.

Abdelaziz and Aisha Abdul Malik, through their project that began as a school idea, have shown how passion and creativity can turn into a successful business venture representing Bahrain globally. They embody an inspiring model for ambitious youth, who have the courage and determination to turn their dreams into tangible, distinctive achievements.

Through their journey, Abdelaziz and Aisha send an inspiring message to the youth in Bahrain and the Arab world, demonstrating that hard work, creativity, and belief in new ideas can lead to significant success. Aisha Jewelers started as a dream and turned into a tangible reality, leaving its mark in the world of luxury jewelry, representing Bahraini creativity in its finest form.

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