Techne Summit

“Mwsla” Introduces Smart Transport Solutions Between Governorates

Mwsla, a startup company, participated in the Techne Summit 2024, where it introduced its smart application offering mass transportation services between Egyptian governorates.

In an interview with entArabi, Mohamed Abdelkhalek, co-founder of Mwsla, discussed the company’s participation in the “Shark Tank Egypt” program, stating, “Our participation in Shark Tank was positive, and we tried to answer all questions and present the project comprehensively. Our idea garnered significant interest from the attendees.”

Mwsla provides a smart mass transportation service between Egyptian governorates through its application, allowing users to book trips in advance. The company believes in the importance of comfort in using public transportation, thus providing its customers with a convenient and safe experience.

Established in February 2022, Mwsla is headquartered in the Menoufia Governorate. The company has successfully completed over 10,000 trips on its application and has more than 19,000 registered customers.

Mwsla plans to expand its services in the coming period by adding more travel routes and introducing new services to its customers. The company also seeks to attract more investors to finance its expansion plans.

Mwsla serves as an excellent example of Egyptian startups offering innovative solutions to real societal problems. The company’s participation in the 2024 Techne Summit for Technology and Entrepreneurship highlights the significant potential of Egyptian startups to compete globally.

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