
Capital Market Authority Approves Registration and Initial Public Offering of Rasan Information Technology Company Shares

The Capital Market Authority (CMA) Board has granted approval on the 25th of March, 2024, for Rasan Information Technology Company’s (hereinafter referred to as “the company”) application concerning the Registration and offering of 22,740,000 shares, representing 30% of the Company’s share capital. The publication of the Company’s prospectus will precede the subscription period sufficiently.

Contained within the prospectus are all pertinent details essential for potential investors to make informed decisions, encompassing the Company’s financial statements, activities, and management.

It is paramount for investors to thoroughly examine the prospectus before committing to a subscription decision, as overlooking or inadequately assessing its contents may entail significant risks. Hence, investors are urged to meticulously peruse the prospectus, which delineates comprehensive information regarding the company, the offering, and associated risk factors. Seeking advice from an authorized financial advisor is advisable if the prospectus presents difficulties in comprehension, prior to reaching any investment decisions.

It is imperative to underscore that the CMA’s approval of the application should not be construed as an endorsement or recommendation to subscribe to any particular company’s offering. Rather, the CMA’s approval signifies compliance with legal requirements stipulated under the Capital Market Law and its Implementing Regulations.

The CMA’s endorsement of the application remains valid for six months from the date of the CMA Board resolution. Failure to complete the offering and listing of the Company’s shares within this timeframe will result in the revocation of the approval.

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